Yo What's up! Do you wanna know how the Major scale works??? So check this out!
An easy way to understand it is when you follow the right intervals between notes, but what does it mean? Simple, just use this "formula" and you gonna have the Major Scale!
"T - T - st - T - T - T - st - T"
T ⇒Tone
st ⇒ Semitone
Now let's see in all notes:
Did you know?....
Double Flat (bb)*
Cbb = dobb
Dbb= rebb
Ebb = mibb
Fbb = fabb
Gbb = solbb
Abb = labb
Bbb = sibb
Flat (b)
Cb = dob
Db= reb
Eb = mib
Fb = fab
Gb = solb
Ab = lab
Bb = sib
C = do
D = re
E = mi
F = fa
G = sol
A = la
B = si
Sharp (#)
C# = do#
D# = re#
E# = mi#
F# = fa#
G# = sol#
A# = la#
B# = si#
Double Sharp (x)*
Cx = dox
Dx = rex
Ex = mix
Fx = fax
Gx = solx
Ax = lax
Bx = six
*Note: Double flat and sharp notes they are also important for sure, however, if you are not playing any classical instrument or studying this field, don't worry, it's just to let you know their function when you're studying a general topic about music theory. Thanks for reading this post!! Anyway, are you a music student? If yeah let me know in the comments and tell me if you already knew about the major scale! ;)
See you, Peace out!